Thee Self-Care Sanctuary Experience

At Thee Self-Care Sanctuary, we know that relaxation is necessary. That's why we insure our clients can relax and achieve the body you desire through our unmatched & noninvasive services, we can make that journey an easier one for you. Thee Self-Care Sanctuary desires to make you feel confident & pampered. Our services aid our clients in reaching their body goals through massage, detoxification, the reduction of stubborn & cellulite. We also assist in strengthening muscles, tightening loose skin, and so much more. We know self-care is a necessity, and we strive to create a space where you can achieve the nurturing your body needs.

Want to give your body the care it deserves?

Ask Our Customers

  • -Tina W.

    "Vikki was a referral and I have to say that I was very impressed with the results seen, and the amount of information she has. I appreciate her integrity. Some are so focused on "filling that spot" to bring in $$$$ and not care about the best interest of the client. During my consult Vikki showed me she is not in it merely for an profit. I appreciate her sincerity and desire to take the journey with me. I recommend her services and cannot wait to begin mine!"

  • -Ebony H.

    An overall amazing experience! This is my second session and still a seamless, flawless process from start to finish. My results have boosted my confidence! Can’t wait for my wedding day!

  • -Juliett P.

    "Vikki is amazing. So professional, knowledgeable and very thorough in her work. She goes above and beyond to make sure you are comfortable and understand what you are getting done. I've had several sessions already and have felt and seen the difference. I must admit, that after my last session I felt a little more confident in my own skin. Thank you Vikki!!!"